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Auction Hunters Factoids Vol. XIX

April 27, 2016
Allen Haff and Ton Jones.
(Photo: Zanda)

Time to close out season three of Auction Hunters. Allen Haff and Ton Jones found a plethora of cool items in their storage auction units. Gadgets designed for high-speed underwater travel, a vintage sled, a WWII-era motor scooter, antique Polynesian tattoo tools, turn-of the-century metals, and a medieval catapult.

Read or take notes on these interesting `Factoids` from Auction Hunters.

Season 3, Episode 22: "Hula Moola."

Diver propulision vehicle underwater driven by Ton Jones.
(Diver Propulsion Vehicle - Photo: SpikeTV)

• Hawaii became a U.S. state in 1959, nearly 18 years after the Pearl Harbor attacks.

• Industria Armi Galesi (AG) began producing pistols in 1914, soon after Italy entered WWI.

• Jacques Cousteau`s film The Silent World features the first diver propulsion vehicle (DPV).

• Diver Propulsion Vehicles carrying warheads were used to attack ships during WWII.

• Early DPVs were used by US Navy SEALs to perform covert underwater operations.

• 1965 James Bond film, Thunderball, features DPVs in several underwater fight sequences.

• Lava sleds were originally ridden as a tribute to the volcano goddess Pele.

• Closely related to popular Hawaiian Koa wood, Koaia is harder and much more rare.

Season 3, Episode 23: "Friends in Hawaii Places."

Antique Polynesian tattoo tools.
(Antique Polynesian TattooTools - Photo: SpikeTV)

• The hit TV series Lost was filmed almost entirely on Oahu.

• The Navy base near Kailua was the first target hit by Japan during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

• "Hydroponics" is a method of growing plants in water, without soil.

• Monkey pod is a lightweight, island wood native to tropical regions.

• The Cushman company started in 1903 by making motors for boats and farm equipment.

• Recent legalization of medical marijuana has spawned a boom in the hydroponics industry.

• A hydroponic grow tent allows plant growers to control light, temperature and humidity.

• In 1998, a 164 year-old conch shell belonging to Hawaiian royalty was found near Kauai.

• Ancient Hawaiians believed tattoos helped guard one`s health and spiritual well-being.

• The American Motoped, introduced in 1915, is believed to be the first motor scooter.

• The Cushman company made motor scooters from 1936 to 1965.

• Cushman made nearly 5,000 airborne scoots for the U.S. military beginning in 1944.

• Water buffalo have been domesticated in the Philippines for over 500 years.

• A 5300 year-old frozen mummy discovered in the Alps in 1991 sports 57 tattoos.

• According to Guinness, the longest tattoo session on record lasted 50 hours.

Season 3, Episode 24: "Money Makin` Monster Machines."

Metal making machine.
(Metal Making Machine - Photo: SpikeTV)

• Over 61 million total passengers passed through LAX in 2011.

• Some competitive remote controlled cars can reach speeds up to 90 mph.

• Remington began manufacturing the first commercial typewriter in 1873.

• Completed in 1877, France`s Creusot power hammer weights over 780 tons.

• Water-powered hammers were used by the Chinese to pound grain as early as 40 BC.

• A 4000 year old portion of a knife found in Turkey is the world`s oldest steel artifact.

• It took 83,000 tons of steel to build San Francisco`s Golden Gate Bridge.

• The biggest monster truck in the world "Bigfoot 5," weights over 28,000 lbs.

Season 3, Episode 25: "Gold `n` Gloves."

Medevil catapult.
(Trebuchet - Photo: SpikeTV)

• (About Hermosa Beach.) The Name "Hermosa" comes from the Spanish word meaning "beautiful".

• One "troy ounce" is equal to roughly 1.09714 ounces.

• The world`s largest gold bar weights 551 lbs. and is worth approximately $15.3 million.

• In 2012, the gloves worn by Muhammad Ali in his 1965 title fight sold for $1.1 million.

• "Western Flyer" bicycles were first introduced in the 1930s and discontinued in 1959.

• A "trebuchet" was a weapon used in the Middle Ages to launch large projectiles.

• Ancient Greeks introduced boxing to the Olympic Games in 688 BC.

• During a 1997 heavyweight bout, Mike Tyson bit off a one inch piece of Evander Holyfield`s ear.

• In the 1400s, the trebuchet was used to fling corpses in an early kind of germ warfare.

Have you found any of these items in your storage auction unit?

Let us know on Twitter @ibid4storage or Facebook.


Auction Hunters` Factoids XVIII

Auction Hunters` Factoids XVII

About the Author...
Chuck G. is a freelance blogger and celebrity interviewer based in Southern California. She`s a Geek who watches US Women`s National Soccer, ❤ Pizza & Beach Life. You may follow her on Twitter @chuckgwriter.

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